Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Election

Yesterday morning I stopped at 7-11 for a yummy cappuccino and like they did 4 years ago, 7-11 has Obama and Romney coffee cups you can choose from.  I chose the Obama cup and when I got back in the car Baylor was surprised.  He said he would not have chosen the Obama cup and that he would have chosen the "REAGAN" cup.  I told him that might be kind hard since Ronald Reagan is DEAD, which he giggled about and said, well then I guess I would vote for Obama :)

See, I knew I could make him a democrat!   


  1. I love it! Obama all the way baby! Atta boy, Colby! And, atta girl, Mommy!

  2. Baylor is one SMART Dude! :-) So funny! I'm glad to see another post from you!
