Thursday, April 26, 2012

Jesus and Christopher Columbus??

Last night Baylor was not too thrilled about going to church and was pleading his case.  He told me that he already knew a lot about church, and that he knew all about Jesus and Christopher Columbus??  I said Christopher Columbus?  And his answer was, "well you know all those people in the bible, like John, and Mark and Christopher Columbus"??? 

Maybe it is a good thing that he is attending church weekly!!

He also informed that all they talked about in church was feelings and church stuff, and then he said "You know Mom, it is not like I am Dr. Phil". 


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hooked on Phonics?!

I was having a nice lunch with Baylor today because he doesn't have school and he was talking about the Superbowl (his favorite subject now).  He said that he can tell that Tom Brady was very disappointed that they didn't win, and he asked me if I saw Tom Brady' face after the Giants won, and Baylor said that he could tell that Tom was "P...I...C...E...D".  I know he didn't want to say the word pissed, but I had to giggle because his spelling is not the best sometimes!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Colby and the Pencil

Colby was playing with a pencil and poked Baylor with the end of it and Baylor was sure that he would die of lead poisioning because Colby "STABBED" him with the pencil.  Little dramatic!!!

Funny things Baylor says...

They had a relay for life on Friday at school and Baylor said they were "Walking to End Healthcare"